I am committed to help your company soar to new heights. I can provide the knowledge and experience that is necessary for any successful enterprise. And what I don't know, I will learn.
As a kid, when asked what I wanted to do when I was older, I'd say: "Travel the world with the president of a company".
I earned a Masters in Translation & Interpretation from ISIT (Paris, France). After a year as a technical translator, it became clear I was more interested in sales and marketing activities. A client became my mentor and empowered me to think big. He also offered me a challenging new role which was the stepping stone of my career in international marketing, sales & management. From CAD-CAM software to security utilities in the Apple environment, to smart cards and payment gateways, I've had the opportunity to work in very dynamic B2C and B2B markets.
I'm ready for my next challenge!